
Sunday 13 April 2014

Woman calls Police To Complain About The Quality Of Marijuana She Got From Her Dealer

A 37-year-old woman, identified as Evelyn Hamilton, was on Monday arrested after she called and complained to an East Texas Police officers about the quality of the marijuana she had purchased from a dealer.

Valencia hits out at Moyes over United chances

Antonio Valencia has spoken out against David Moyes’ selection policy at Manchester United – saying the former Everton boss ‘hasn’t given him a chance’ yet.
Valencia has made 25 Premier League appearances this season, including a run of starts recently.

Gunners 'to offload Giroud this summer'

Gunners 'to offload Giroud this summer' 
Arsenal are poised to offload Olivier Giroud this summer, according to a report.
The Sun newspaper claims Gunners boss Arsene Wenger no longer views the Frenchman as part of his plans, despite the fact that he is his team’s top scorer this season with 19 goals in all competitions.

Residents Panic After Chicken Begins Talking Before Being Slaughtered

Residents of Makurdi, capital of Benue state yesterday panicked as a story spread that  a chicken about to be slaughtered suddenly started speaking in Arabic.
Residents around the 'A' division police station beside Wadata Market, Makurdi fled in different directions as news of the mystery spread.

Scared? Malivelihood Denies Customizing iphones For President’s Daughter's Wedding


 MA must have received the offical memo to retract his message on instagram Who is he fooling ?

MA denied  has denied in a short interview with seasoned journalist, Fejiro Oliver that he was contacted by the president to design iphones for guests at his daughter’s wedding which held yesterday in Abuja. 

Chelsea 'strike £50m Costa deal'

Chelsea have reportedly agreed a £50million deal for Atletico Madrid’s Diego Costa, who will join in the summer on June 30.

Stupid Indian Politicians: Raped Women Should Be Hanged

'Raped women should be hanged,' says politician Abu Azmi

Two high-ranking politicians in India have caused outrage by suggesting women who are raped or have consensual sex outside of wedlock should be hanged.

Medical Doctor Nabbed For Writing Exam For Wife At JAMB Centre

The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) in Jigawa, on Sunday, said it arrested a medical doctor (name withheld) for alleged impersonation and examination malpractice.

Police Debunks Death Of Jamb Candidates In Borno


Following the nationwide UTME exams carried out yesterday in the country, the Police have come out to debunk reports that some applicants lost their lives in Maiduguri.

Afrocandy cries out to God on Twitter

This fund raising is getting serious. $410 out of $9000.. At least some people are generous enough to give her the money

Jet Scandal: Reps Give Diezani April 28 Deadline

The Minister of Petroleum Resources, Mrs. Diezani Alison-Madueke 
The Minister of Petroleum Resources, Mrs. Diezani Alison-Madueke, has been given up till April 28 to respond to enquiries on the N10bn she allegedly spent on chartering a private jet, Challenger 850, for her trips in the last two years. Findings showed that the House of Representatives Committee on Public Accounts, which gave the deadline, would also open a public hearing on the allegation on April 28.

Davido Goes Into Acting

David Adeleke, better known as Davido, has become a force in the Nigerian music scene. Now, the young man wants to try his luck in the make-believe world as he launches into Nollywood.

Facebook marriages may not last — Adeboye

The General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor Enoch Adeboye, on Saturday said marriages contracted through social media may not last.
He said, “If you marry the modern way like on Facebook, you may likely divorce the modern way. Marry traditionally and involve God.”

Patience Jonathan Caught Laundering $13 Million

Unbeknownst to Nigerians, the wife of the current president was caught twice by the EFCC while Goodluck Joanthan was governor of Bayelsa state, attempting to launder a total sum of $13,650,000.

Boko Haram Has Killed Over 135 People Since Wednesday

According to a report by the BBC, Boko Haram gunmen killed at least 135 civilians in three separate attacks in the North since Wednesday.

200 shops burnt in Onitsha

Onitsha market burnt in 2013 
No fewer than 200 shops and goods worth over N100 million were burnt in Ose Okwuodu food stuff market in Onitsha, Anambra, on 12 April.
The fire, according to an eyewitness, started at about 3a.m. Sunday Ewulum, Chairman of the market, expressed sadness over the fire outbreak.

1,000 'witches' arrested and drugged by 'witch doctors' in Gambia

Yahya Jammeh: 1,000 'witches' arrested and drugged by 'witch doctors' in Gambia
Amnesty International called on the government of President Yahya Jammeh, who seized power in a 1994 coup and has claimed he can cure Aids, to halt the campaign and bring those responsible to justice.

Missing Malaysia Plane,MH370 Was ‘Hijacked And In Afghanistan’, Passengers And Crew ALIVE

A Russian newspaper has claimed that Flight MH370 was hijacked by “unknown terrorists” and flown to Afghanistan, where the crew and passengers are now being held hostage.
The extraordinary comments, attributed to a Russian intelligence source, appeared in the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper.

Van Gaal opens talks over United job

Van Gaal opens talks over United job 
Manchester United appear to be planning for life after David Moyes with senior club officials holding talks with Louis van Gaal over a switch to Old Trafford.
Van Gaal, who will be a free agent in the summer when he quits his post as Holland boss, is on the lookout for a new challenge, with English football on his radar.

Police recover arms from illegal firearms factory in Enugu

Operatives of the  Special Anti Robbery Squad, SARS, of Enugu State Police Command, in the early hours of yesterday, raided an illegal gun manufacturing factory at Ihuoha Amansiodo Oghe community in Ezeagu Local Government Area of the state arresting a widow in whose house some arms were hidden by the manufacturer.

Boko Haram: Soldiers’ wives face probe over protests

The army authorities are investigating the circumstances that led to a protest by wives of soldiers in Enugu State during the week over their husbands’ posting.Informed military sources disclosed to Saturday Tribune that  wives of soldiers of 103 battalion based in Enugu  protested in the barracks on the posting of their husbands to Borno and Yobe states to join in the war against insurgency.

Refund my N1.2m bride price before I divorce you, policeman tells wife

A policeman, Anthony Ibemere, has told an Igando Customary Court in Lagos, Lagos State, that his wife should return the N1.2 million bride price if she insisted on divorce.

Thirty-eight-year-old  Anthony was responding to a divorce suit filed by Uloma, his wife of four years, who accused him of  battery.

Anger In Southern Kaduna Over ‘Ceasefire’ With Fulani

There was palpable anger in southern Kaduna after a group led by the President of the Southern Kaduna Peoples Union (SOKAPU), Dr. Ephraim Goje, and another, led by Alh. Ahmadu Suleiman, Chairman of Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria, Kaduna State chapter, agreed to a ‘ceasefire’ between the people of southern Kaduna and Fulani herdsmen residents.

Enugu State Mystery Pool Dries Up.

Less than four months after its inundation, the Enugu mystery pool has dried up triggering major soil excavation by new visitors who had come for healing in the pool. The town itself which became a tourist destination a few months back, has had a fair share of the change as it has become a ghostly abandoned place.

Selena Gomez Sacks Her Parents Acting As Her Manager

Selena Gomez has allegedly given her managers the boot. That may not sound that controversial as stars sack their manager all the time, right? Well Selena’s managers just so happen to also be her parents – awkward!