
Monday 10 February 2014

ASUU Tasks FG on Release of N55bn to Varsities

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The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has tasked the federal government to release N55 billion due to its varsities before the end of the first quarter of this year in line with the agreement reached with the union during negotiations to end its five-month-old strike.

The union expressed concern over what it called government's foot-dragging in the implementation of the new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)  between the two parties that led to the suspension of the strike.
The union also condemned the sack of over 90 staff members of the Cocoa Research Institute Ibadan, exclusively reported by THISDAY recently.
ASUU called on the federal government to stop the intimidation of workers in the institution.
These were the positions canvassed by the National Treasurer of ASUU, Dr. Ademola Aremu and Chairman of University of Ibadan chapter of the union, Dr. Olusegun Ajiboye, at a press briefing in Ibadan at the weekend.
Aremu said the union was worried that despite signing papers (MOU) and calling off the strike, disbursement of funds claimed to have been deposited at the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) for execution of projects in the universities was yet to commence two months, into 2014.
According to him, the federal government ought to have commenced the process of depositing an additional N55 billion for the first quarter as agreed in the MoU with President Goodluck Jonathan.
Aremu said the federal government had not implemented any part of the agreement it  signed with the union apart from the non-victimisation clause to protect those who participated in the strike.

On his part, Ajiboye said students were yet to benefit anything from the last strike owing to delay in implementation by the federal government.
He added that ASUU was tired of 'earmarking' of the funds but now needs 'eye-marking' of  with visible projects executed with the funds.
He asked the federal government not to delay the implementation of the MoU to avoid further acrimony within the university system.
Ajiboye, while condemning the sack of over 90 workers at the research institute, urged Nigerians to rise and defend injustices being meted out on them.

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