
Sunday 9 March 2014

Italian man hires prostitute … turns out to be son’s girlfriend

                                   Italian man hires escort … turns out to be son’s girlfriend
A 70-year-old Italian got a shock when the prostitute he hired turned out to be his son’s girlfriend.
The pensioner, from the northern Italian city of Treviso, found himself in a very awkward situation when his future daughter-in-law walked through the door.

He had even gone to the trouble of booking the escort from a neighbouring city, only for his plan to backfire spectacularly, Italian newspaper Il Gazzettino reported.
His 40-year-old son’s South American girlfriend had told the family she was a waitress before their awkward meeting, which ended before it even began.
The unusual incident sparked a bitter feud between the pair and was revealed this week at a court hearing.
They have yet to settle their dispute.

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