
Wednesday 25 March 2015

Medical doctor charged for drugging, sexually assaulting female patients

Dr Sohael Rachid

A medical doctor in Pennsylvania, USA, Dr. Sohael Raschid, has been arrested and charged after many female victims came out to testify that he drugged and sexually molested them.
Rachid's list of victims include a 13-year-old girl, reports New York Daily News.

According to Pennsylvania State Police, 58-year-old Dr. Raschid earned his victims’ trust, met them outside of his office and slipped sedatives into their drinks, before proceeding to sexually assault them, sometimes having penetrative sex with them, with the victims reporting slurred speech and stumbling before they blacked out.
The 13-year-old told investigators the doctor, who was also a family friend, picked her up from a school dance and gave her a slushy drink.
She later recalled hazy memories of the trusted doctor stripping naked, photographing her and raping her, the first time she’d ever had sex.
But the doctor has dispelled the claims of his victims, saying he did nothing wrong.
"I did nothing wrong. Hopefully my attorneys can convince the Board and the Judge, if that is the Lords will.
If not I go to jail. I will educate the inmates about health and the power of the Word."
Troopers busted Raschid on multiple charges, including rape, sexual assault and indecent assault of a person younger than 16-years-old.

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