
Thursday 13 July 2017

Badoo: 133 suspects arrested in multiple raids

Security operatives on Wednesday arrested 133 suspected members of the Badoo gang in Ikorodu, Lagos state.
They were arrested in a joint operation carried out by operatives of the state police command, Department of State Services (DSS), rapid response squad (RRS), Lagos state neighbourhood watch corps (LNSC), Oodua Peoples Congress (OPC) and local vigilante group, Onyabo.
Imohimi Edgal, deputy commissioner of police, said the suspects are to be screened after which those found wanting will be charged to court.
The raid, which took place in Bayekun, Ikorodu Main Town, Igbogbo and Majidun, was led by Edgal.
He said the operation was carried out following intelligence reports received by the command.
“After combing several criminal hideouts in Ikorodu and its suburbs, scores were nabbed. Those arrested are suspects,” he said.
“They are to be screened. Arrests were based on intelligence and in conjunction with local vigilantes. We went on the raid of those communities because of the activities of ritual killers and all cult related activities taking place in the area.
“The first step is to screen all suspects and that is already being done at the taskforce office. All those found wanting will be charged to court while the innocent will be released.”
The Badoo gang is an infamous cult group that has gained notoriety over its killings and other nefarious activities in some parts of Lagos, especially Ikorodu.
Recently, there have been series of clampdown on suspected members of the gang by security operatives in the state.
Security operatives recently arrested 100 suspected members of the gang after which another 87 were also arrested while 20 were declared wanted.

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