
Wednesday 5 July 2017

Depressed Liverpool student nurse killed herself at home

A promising young nursing student took her own life shortly after breaking up with her boyfriend, an inquest heard. 

Lucy de Oliveira, 22, who attended Liverpool John Moores University, was described as a bright and caring young woman.

She strangled herself at her student home in Kensington, east Liverpool, on February 27.

Lucy's mum, Liz de Oliveira, 59, paid tribute to her daughter. 

She told the inquest: 'She always put everybody else before herself.

'It's a tragedy not just for us, but for society as she had so much to give. Everybody thinks their child is special, but she really was.' Pam Hussey, 89, Lucy's grandmother, said: 'She was the light of our lives - there were 400 people at the funeral.

'She said to me 'you must never die', and then did this. It's such a waste.'

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