According to Winnie Wonder Friday, the lady who did this was just trying to reap where she did not sow, and here’s what he wrote;
“What a life, this girl was try to reap where she din sow… she came up with a false pregnancy and said it’s mine, but thanks to my brillant and wonderful mom that helped me scratch her back to search the truth she was taken to the hospital and confirmed that she is not pregnant for the prince i am sorry dear i have taste…. we are no match dear am not criticizing but just letting you know that life goes, never force yourself on a guy that don’t love you cos they love another even if it hurt most they are some things you let go so things will be okay…..I am not too handsome or pretty I am not married yet and don’t judge me cos we are just human…as for guys mind the kinda girl you keep not just the ones that spoils your destiny but the one that makes it work…you know one when you see them…love you all pass this story cos it happens to me….spread how she was pregnant for me but all to bring me down….to tie me down…PERFECT EXAMPLE OF A SCANDER….I see that as lack of home training…good evening”

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