Thursday, 4 August 2016

Lil Wayne's $20m lawsuit suffers setback

American rapper, Lil Wayne, has been told by a Federal judge in the US to settle his qualms with Cash Money Records boss, Birdman, before his$20m  lawsuit filed against Universal Music Group (UMG) can be settled.

Wayne had in March 2016, sued UMG for the said amount for allegedly cheating him of his royalties for songs he did withDrake, Nicki Minaj and Tyga.

According to reports, UMG insisted on not paying the rapper the amount as it had already remitted a sum of $100m as an advance fee to Cash Money Records.
The latter is the parent record label of Wayne's Young Money.
It was also reported that the 'Lollipop' rapper has sued Birdman's Cash Money Records for the sum of $50m for cheating him in an agreement.
UMG had reportedly requested that Wayne settles his issue with Birdman before the court can proceed with its ruling over the suit.
This request was granted by the court, which means Wayne will have to wait until 2017, when the Birdman suit will be due for hearing.

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